
Action Alert 8-14-2007

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Board of Public Works Defies Council’s Requirement for More Environmental Review on Elephant Hill - Approves Developer’s Building Permits
August 13, 2007

On Wednesday, August 8, 2007, the Board of Public Works (BPW) approved a recommendation by the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to finalize the building permits for 24 luxury homes on Elephant Hill (Tract 35022) and dedications of land for the extension of Pullman Street.

This action contradicts the recent City Council vote on June 20 to require a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for Tract 35022. Complicating matters, the developer, Monterey Hills Investors, recently filed a lawsuit against the City for the Council’s action.

The agenda for the August 8th BPW meeting was posted late Friday, August 3. Supporters of additional environmental review for Elephant Hill asked that the hearing be postponed so that the community could be given sufficient advance notice. The hearing went forward as scheduled.

At the BPW meeting, BOE staff indicated that since the Council’s motion calling for the SEIR did not specifically address the B-permit issue, it was OK for the BOE & BPW to approve it. Despite the Council’s vote, and despite testimony by Councilmember Huizar, residents and environmental groups, the BPW sided with BOE and the developer.

Commissioner and environmental hero Paula Daniels was tireless in her efforts to provide perspective on CEQA and persuade her colleagues to allow the SEIR to move forward before approval of the B-permits. However, the developer’s onerous tactics and insider politics prevailed over reason and environmental justice for El Sereno residents. The Board voted 4 to 1 to approve the B-permits as follows: YES: Cynthia Ruiz; Ernesto Cardenas; Julie Gutman; Valerie Lynn Shaw. NO: Paula Daniels.

It remains unclear what will happen with Tract 35022 now that there is a pending lawsuit against the City by the developer as well as eminent approval of the B-permits that would allow work to begin on road construction and other public infrastructure associated with the development.

What You Can Do:

Call or write to Gary Lee Moore, City Engineer, and urge him to postpone signing the building permits for Tract 35022 until the Supplemental EIR required by the City Council is complete. Call: 213-485-4935; Email: Gary.Lee.Moore@lacity.org; or write: Bureau of Engineering, 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 700, Mail Stop 490, Los Angeles, CA 90015.

Call or write to Councilmember Huizar and urge him to take the lead on a City Council VETO of the Board of Public Works action and reassert the requirement for a SEIR for Tract 35022. Contact all Councilmembers and ask them to support the veto.
· Jose Huizar (CD 14) Jessica.WethingtonMcLean@lacity.org or 213-473-7014.
· Ed Reyes (CD 1) – jill.sourial@lacity.org or (213) 473-7001
· Wendy Gruel (CD 2) – Claire.Bartels@lacity.org or (213) 473-7002
· Dennis Zine (CD 3) - jonathan.brand@lacity.org or (213) 473-7003
· Tom LaBonge (CD 4) – renee.weitzer@lacity.org or (213) 473-7004
· Jack Weiss (CD 5) – denise.sample@lacity.org (213) 473-7005
· Tony Cardenas (CD 6) - councilman.cardenas@lacity.org or (213) 473-7006
· Richard Alarcon (CD 7) – jose.sigala@lacity.org or (213) 473-7007
· Bernard Parks (CD 8) - councilmember.parks@lacity.org or (213) 473-7008
· Jan Perry (CD 9) – councilmember.perry@lacity.org or (213) 473-7009
· Herb Wesson (CD 10) - charmette.bonpua@lacity.org or (213) 473-7010
· Bill Rosenthal (CD 11) - grieg.asher@lacity.org or (213) 473-7011
· Greig Smith (CD 12) – phyllis.winger@lacity.org (213) 473-7012
· Eric Garcetti (CD 13) – sam.siegel@lacity.org or (213) 473-7013
· Janice Hahn (CD 15) - erik.sanjurjo@lacity.org or (213) 473-7015

For more information contact: saveelephanthills@yahoo.com

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