This blog is dedicated to everyone who supports the effort to Save Elephant Hills past present and future, or has ever had to deal with an unscrupulous developer, any city planning department or a dysfunctional / corrupt local bureaucracy, or any combination thereof. There is a refreshing new trend being set downtown with a sense of responsibility far beyond anything Los Angeles has seen in recent history. We need to support those who support our are some recommendations...
Today we celebrate the next step in the permanent preservation of our beloved Elephant Hills with a rally for our Honorable Councilman Jose Huizar. Join us Tuesday February 17th 2015 at 10:00 AM
at the foot of the hills where Harriman Ave meets Pullman Street (see flyer)
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3:48 AM
July 13, 2004Dear Councilmember Villaraigosa:On behalf of the Arroyo SecoNeighborhood Council, I would like to confirm the ASNC’s continued support forthe Save Elephant Hill Coalition's request that the City of Los Angeles and itsDepartments thoroughly scrutinize the materials from the developer for Tract Map35022 in order to make sure that all conditions for approval are met and thatthe letter of the law is strictly adhered to.Elephant Hill and this proposeddevelopment border the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council, and we share theconcerns of LA-32 Neighborhood Council regarding the impact this developmentwill have on our area. We understand the financial incentives leading developersto undertake new developments in previously undeveloped areas, but it remainsimportant that all city departments that deal with land use and planning supportthe laws, regulations, specific plans and ordinances that deal with developmentin our communities. At our March 22 meeting, the Arroyo Seco NeighborhoodCouncil voted to oppose this development and any further extensions topreviously prepared Environmental Impact Reports, permits, modifications orexemptions with respect to tract map 35022We urge the Council Office to be astrong advocate for strict adherence in this and other cases that deal withdevelopment and its impact on the quality of life for those of us in NortheastLos Angeles.Sincerely,Pat GriffithPresidentArroyo SecoNeighborhood CouncilCc: Lisa SarnoBronley LuhrsEric Carbrera,Building and SafetyBureau of Engineering
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