
Action Alert 6-5-07

URGENT * Action Alert * Elephant Hill Update * URGENT * Action Alert Urge Huizar to Require Full Environmental Review for Elephant HillIn his recent campaign for re-election, Councilmember Jose Huizar ran on anenvironmental platform. He promised to make our communities safer, cleaner andgreener. He vowed to expand green and open space. Last summer as the campaignheated up, he responded to El Sereno residents' pleas for help to ensureequitable services from City agencies responsible for residential developmentsby introducing a motion to investigate the need for a supplementalenvironmental impact report (SEIR) for Tract 35022, the controversialdevelopment of 24 luxury homes on Elephant Hill. Now, under the threat of a lawsuit by the developers of Elephant Hill, the Cityagencies charged with undertaking this investigation recommended NO SEIR forTract 35022 at the May 22nd Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) hearing. Councilmember Huizar sits on that powerful committee. The report, developedunder direction of the Planning Dept., argues that no supplementalenvironmental impact report (SEIR) is required because there are no pending*discretionary* approvals for this Tract.At the hearing, the issue of equity in planning decision-making for low-incomecommunities like El Sereno hit home when Joe Edmiston of the Santa MonicaMountains Conservancy testified that similar situations in Westside communitieshave been decided in favor of residents. Fortunately, PLUM extended thehearing, allowing residents the opportunity to review and respond to thereport. Residents have informed PLUM of the inaccuracies and problems with the report. The National Resources Defense Council and Chatten-Brown & Carstens submittedcomments that building permits are a discretionary action, thereby allowing theCity to require a SEIR for Tract 35022 under state law. Councilmember Huizar needs the backing of his constituents, as well as the EJand environmental communities to stand firm in his commitment to environmentaljustice and stop this illegal expansion of a luxury home development in alow-income community. Please help send a clear message to Councilmember Huizarthat our community expects him exercise his considerable authority to ensurethat El Sereno residents receive equitable and fair services from City agenciesresponsible for residential developments. These developers must be accountableand follow the rules just like everyone else, despite their wealth, influenceand threats. What You Can Do:1. Attend the next PLUM hearing on Elephant Hill at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 12,2007, in Room 350, City Hall. The File Number for this item is #04-1413.2. Write or Councilmember Huizar and tell him you will stand with him as hefights for environmental justice in El Sereno by ensuring fair and equitableservices from the agencies responsible for residential development on ElephantHill. SEE THE SAMPLE LETTER BELOW.Also, if the B-permit is approved by the Bureau of Engineering, he must issue astop work order so that the hillside is not destroyed before this issue isresolved. * Email: or Call 213-473-7014For ongoing information about Elephant Hill check out these new blogs: and For more information contact: saveelephanthills@yahoo.com6/5/07

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