
Motions Motions and more Motions

Here are the 10 motions which resulted from the PLUM committees meeting on the 10th of April, '07. Thanks to Jose Huizar for putting forth the motions and his outstanding staff for helping me get them to you in such a timely manner.

Move that departments report back on the cost, feasibility and implementation of a City-conducted EIR for each community and specific plan in a hillside area.

Move that the Planning Department report back with recommendations for quantitative thresholds for determining whether a Mitigated Negative Declaration or a full Environmental Impact Report is required.

Move that City Planning and Building & Safety report back on the feasibility and implementation for a specialized environmental unit which could service both departments.

Move that determinations of "no impact" be documented to explain how this determination was made on environmental forms for projects within hillside areas.

Move that relevant departments initiate and implement necessary changes or upgrades to equipment and technology that will allow GIS, ZIMAS or another technology to track and map related development.

Move that the City Attorney report back on requiring developers to disclose on application forms any development on parcels in a 2,000 foot radius with which they, or those related to them, have a financial interest, or on which they have permits or an application pending.

Move that City Planning add an electronic subscription notice to the Early Notification System to allow members of the public to subscribe and receive electronic notices of MND’s and EIR’s as well as receive electronic notice of entitlement applications.

Move that City Planning require notification of MNDs and EIRs be posted in a publicly visible location on the subject property and that notices be mailed to adjacent parcels.

Move that Building & Safety, City Planning and City Attorney report back on implementation of requiring a public hearing for all haul routes related to hillside development, and on the feasibility of limiting the number of project sites that can be active in an area at the same time.

Move that City Planning report back on re-evaluating the criteria of ministerial actions in hillside areas.

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